Hi, I made this antenna, but the shmidt chart was not looking to much atractive and the resonance frquency was still above 51 MHz. I tried to apply different length based on projects of the other hams, who shared on the internet their construction of the HB9CV for 6meters. Once I applied different calculation considering formulas table in book Antenenbuch (Karl Rothammel), immediatelly the shmidt chart was getting better. Now it seems to me, that the Reflector have to be longer than 1/2wl and Radiator shorter than 1/2wl as per some reference books says.
GL de OK1VZR, Zdenek 73
Hi, I made this antenna, but the shmidt chart was not looking to much atractive and the resonance frquency was still above 51 MHz. I tried to apply different length based on projects of the other hams, who shared on the internet their construction of the HB9CV for 6meters. Once I applied different calculation considering formulas table in book Antenenbuch (Karl Rothammel), immediatelly the shmidt chart was getting better. Now it seems to me, that the Reflector have to be longer than 1/2wl and Radiator shorter than 1/2wl as per some reference books says.
GL de OK1VZR, Zdenek 73